
Kiss Me, Son of God

Chapter 4

Jesus. Jesus Christ. Jesus H. Christ. It's times like this that made Jesse wish Jesus had some more middle names. Or any at all. He wasn't raised Christian, but he did have a good knowledge about it. He liked to know things. And it definitely made him look good. But it wasn't really him who looked good, and he knew it. It was The Fonz: Son of God, Action movie hero boy and all-around cool guy. Coming soon to a life near you, limited edition, once in a lifetime. He makes the jump to the other skyscraper, nab the duffel sack, and make your way down the secret stairwell. He can almost hear the families cheering from home in front of the live report, with professional voiceover telling the same insipirational story he tells every time. He puts the money directly back in the bank vault and walks away, ignoring the thankyous. Today was especially draining, he needed to get home immediately. Cruising home was nicer. It was boring. He was left alone with his thoughts. He never gets to do that. He never even gets to think at all. There's just so much of it. That's a really good way to put it. He smiles to himself. He should do this more. Just be completely alone. Now this is nice. Maybe things aren't that bad. Sure he has all these responsibilities, so much of it. But at least with great responsibilities comes great power, right? Usually. A car falls outside the window. He makes eye contact with the driver for a moment, and she tells him more than he wanted to know. There's just so much of it.